2021 Tournament Rules Summary

The “Tournament Rules Summary” sheets for 2021 are now available here.

There are a few rule changes this year that we all need to be aware of.  These were covered in Little League’s Rule and Regulation Changes, but include:

  • The definition of an “At-Bat” for mandatory play purposes has changed.  An at-bat is not considered completed until the player is retired, scores or the inning ends while he/she is on base.  In divisions requiring mandatory play, if a player reaches base in his/her first time at the plate, removing the player before he/she is retired or scores is considered an improper substitution.
  • “Non-pitched” intentional walks have been added in softball, in addition to Major-and-under baseball.  Plus, a team may now ask to “put him/her on” even after having thrown one or more pitches to the batter.

Since most of us haven’t been doing much Little League since 2019, please make sure you review the rules and regulations changes before your tournament starts – we’ll all be better off for it.

About uic

I've spent more than 25 years as a Little League umpire. Where has the time gone? I've been part of the Little League community in Connecticut, Long Island and Florida and am currently a proud member of New Jersey District 10.
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