2014 Regulation VI exception “inadvertent removal”

In the 2013 and earlier baseball book, there was an exception to the pitching rest requirements listed in Regulation VI that said:

EXCEPTION: In the event that the first inning is not completed, all records including pitching records, batting records, etc. shall be disregarded.

In the 2014 rulebook, this exception was omitted. This created the impression that Little League now wanted pitching records to count in this situation.

In the March edition of the Fair Ball Newsletter, however, Little League said:

In the 2014 Official Regulations and Playing Rules, “Regulation VI Note 3 Exception” from the 2013 Official Regulations and Playing Rules was inadvertently eliminated. The note references the exception for games that are suspended with less than one (1) inning completed. The note remains in effect for 2014. In the event that the first inning is not completed, all records including pitching records, batting records, etc. shall be disregarded.

As such, this does not represent a change for 2014. The “changes” section of my Rules Index has been updated accordingly as of today. I will be publishing an update to the iOS version of the index to correct it as well.

About uic

I've spent more than 25 years as a Little League umpire. Where has the time gone? I've been part of the Little League community in Connecticut, Long Island and Florida and am currently a proud member of New Jersey District 10.
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